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Papetura is a handcrafted puzzle adventure game made entirely out of paper. Along with atmospheric music made by Floex, it creates a mysterious and unique paper world, shrouded in shadow and light. Little creatures Pape and Tura will face monsters that will try to burn down their beloved paper world.



Papetura tells a story about lonely paper creature Pape, trapped in a flowery prison. One day Pape escapes and finds little Tura, a magical being that he’ll take care of. Together they will have to face dark and flaming monsters which will try to burn down their beloved paper world.


Key Features

  • Unique point and click adventure experience,
  • Everything is made out of paper, from tiny insects, strange creatures and monsters to truly magical locations,
  • Atmospheric and beautiful music is made by Floex - Tomas Dvorak,
  • Puzzles are a part of the story and the world,
  • The story is told by animation and strange noises, there are no dialogues.

System requirements


Memory: 4 GB

Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo Q6867

File Size: 2 GB

OS: Windows 7, 8, 10